Κυκλοφόρησε σήμερα το πολυαναμενόμενο έβδομο άλμπουμ των Future Islands, People Who Aren’t There Anymore (4AD) που ήδη έχει λάβει θερμές κριτικές.
Οι Future Islands ξεκινάνε ένα νέο κεφάλαιο με το “People Who Aren’t There Anymore”, οι οποίοι αν και δημιουργήθηκαν πριν από σχεδόν δύο δεκαετίες, συνεχίζουν να προκαλούν τους εαυτούς τους αλλά και ο ένας τον άλλο. Σε αυτό το άλμπουμ προσφέρουν μερικά από τα πιο εμπνευσμένα και συγκλονιστικά κομμάτια τους επιλέγοντας να εκφράσουν μια εσωτερικότητα και να κάνουν το αντίθετο από κάθε άλλη φορά: αφιέρωσαν χρόνο κάνοντας την κάθε ανάσα, κάθε συλλαβή, κάθε κρότο να μετράει. Το αποτέλεσμα αποτελεί μια ισχυρή, καθοριστική κατάθεση από μια ομάδα μουσικών που έχουν κάνει το καλύτερο άλμπουμ της καριέρας τους.
Η παραγωγή του “People Who Aren’t There Anymore” έγινε από τους Future Islands και τον Steve Wright που έκανε και τις μίξεις μαζί με τον Chris Coady (είχε συνεργαστεί ξανά με το συγκρότημα στο “Singles” του 2014). Το άλμπουμ είναι διαθέσιμο ψηφιακά, σε CD, κασσέτα και διάφορες εκδόσεις βινυλίου (standard back vinyl, transparent vinyl (indie retail only) and yellow & black ‘yolk’ vinyl with alternative artwork (4AD/D2C exclusive).
Στους μήνες που προηγήθηκαν της κυκλοφορίας του άλμπουμ, το συγκρότημα παρουσίασε το video που σκηνοθέτησε ο Jonathan van Tulleken (Top Boy, Shogun) για το single “The Tower” καθώς και τα video των “The Fight” και “Say Goodbye” με την υπογραφή της Jayla Smith. Πριν την ανακοίνωση του νέου άλμπουμ, το συγκρότημα κυκλοφόρησε τα single ‘“Deep in the Night”, “King of Sweden” και “Peach” που συμπεριλαμβάνονται σε αυτό.
Οι Future Islands είναι οι: Samuel T. Herring (φωνητικά, στίχοι), William Cashion (μπάσο, κιθάρες), Gerrit Welmers (keyboards, programming) και Michael Lowry (ντραμς).
“Continuing his streak of being one of the brightest frontmen in contemporary music, Herring gives one of his best performances to-date here.” – Paste on “The Fight”
“It’s a glossy ballad that adorns frontman Samuel T. Herring’s powerful voice with triumphant, thunderous drums and opulent synthesizer chords. For a band that invariably delivers energetic, four-on-the-floor synth-pop tunes, the Baltimore group reminds us that they’re more than adept at slowing the pace while preserving their new-wave flair.” – Uproxx on “The Fight”
The song carries the Baltimore quartet’s trademark synth-pop sound, but on a mellower level than usual. Lead vocalist Samuel T. Herring describes a timely aura of doom (“Death is in the season/And it’s pushing me around”) before resolving to hold onto hope: “But I’m not giving up/Not today.” – Rolling Stone on “Peach”
“a soft, serene ballad that puts the soulful theatrics of Samuel T. Herring’s voice front and center.” – Stereogum on “Deep In The Night”
“New track “The Tower” begins with almost understated synths before building to the type of shimmering chorus Future Islands are known for.” – Consequence on “The Tower”
“The band has harnessed a newfound intensity, crafting tracks that are both inspiring and heart-wrenching, all by taking their time and making every note, lyric, and cymbal crash count. This album marks a defining moment in the band’s career, proving their evolution as musicians.” – Relix
“It’s Future Islands at their illuminating best, where the synth tones make you feel like you’re in flight.” – FLOOD Magazine
Today (Jan. 26), Future Islands have released their highly anticipated seventh album, People Who Aren’t There Anymore (4AD) to critical praise. Listen to the album HERE. This week, the band was featured on Broken Record, performed live and was interviewed for WNYC’s All Of It Live Listening Party, played SiriusXM and WFUV, took over the Tower Record’s creative space the Tower Lab and performed “The Tower” on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Next week, the band heads to the UK for a Channel 4 Sunday Brunch performance on January 28th, two Banquet Records (Kingston) in-stores on January 30th and a BBC Radio 4 Loose Ends session.
People Who Aren’t There Anymore heralds a new chapter for Future Islands who, despite having formed nearly two decades ago, continue to challenge themselves and each other. Where they’ve pursued ever-higher energy anthems in the past, they’ve turned inward this time and unlocked a new level of ferocity. The album delivers some of their most inspiring and heartbreaking tracks by doing the opposite: taking their time, and making each breath, syllable and cymbal crash count. The result is a powerful, defining statement from a group of musicians that have made the best work of their career.
People Who Aren’t There Anymore was co-produced by Future Islands and Steve Wright. It was mixed by Wright and Chris Coady, who hadn’t worked with the band since 2014’s Singles. It is available digitally, on CD and cassette and on standard back vinyl, transparent vinyl (indie retail only) and yellow & black ‘yolk’ vinyl with alternative artwork (4AD/D2C exclusive).
In the lead up to the album’s release, Future Islands debuted the Jonathan van Tulleken (Top Boy, Shogun)-directed video for album track “The Tower” and videos by Jayla Smith for both the sensual, synth-based groove “The Fight” and “Say Goodbye,” an examination of a long distance relationship unravelling. Prior to announcing the album, the band also released eventual album tracks ‘“Deep in the Night”, “King of Sweden” and “Peach”.
Future Islands have announced dates in South America this spring, and festivals in the UK & Europe this summer with more dates to be announced.
Future Islands is Samuel T. Herring (vocals, lyrics), William Cashion (bass, guitars), Gerrit Welmers (keyboards, programming) and Michael Lowry (drums).
Future Islands on tour
3/16 – Guadalajara, Mexico – Teatro Studio
3/17 – Mexico City, Mexico – Vive Latino Festival
3/19 – Lima, Peru – Centro de Convenciones Barranco
3/21 – Bogota, Colombia – Estereo Picnic Festival
5/23 – South Derbyshire, UK – Bearded Theory
5/25 – Leeds, UK – Live at Leeds in The Park
7/26 – Southwold, UK – Latitude Festival
7/30 – Glasgow, UK – Kelvingrove Bandstand
8/4 – Waterford, Ireland – All Together Now
8/2 – Katowice, Poland – OFF Festival
8/5 – Lokeren, Belgium – Lokerse Festival
Future Islands – People Who Aren’t There Anymore
26 January 2024
Catalogue Number: 4AD 0662
1. King of Sweden
2. The Tower
3. Deep In The Night
4. Say Goodbye
5. Give Me The Ghost Back
6. Corner Of My Eye
7. The Thief
8. Iris
9. The Fight
10. Peach
11. The Sickness
12. The Garden Wheel